Monday, September 6, 2010


It amazes me how such a small little fella can make such beautiful music in the night. The other evening, I was turning in for a bit of shut eye. I was engulfed in soft blankets. My head felt light upon my feather pillows, but my heart was feeling heavy...

The washing machine was humming, overpowering the night's whispers. Then suddenly, it stopped, gave one last final victory buzz, and I was bathed in the pure silence of the darkness.

I just listened...There were the usual hums and creaks an old house naturally releases as it settles in for a night of slumber....and then....soft music outside my window....and it grew louder and louder and louder....

Beautiful music....The kind that only nature herself can make. The sweet melodical chirping of a little insect we call a cricket. I am so used to being around crickets and knowing they are there that I sometimes forget to really listen and appreciate what they are. A small insect opens his wings and does this...

"The chirping sound is created by running the top of one wing along the teeth at the bottom of the other wing. As he does this, the cricket also holds the wings up and open, so that the wing membranes can act as acoustical sails."

I envisioned that cricket in my mind. He and his friends were putting on a concert for me. It was deafeningly magical....It was pure, it was beautiful, and it was mine forever. It gave me peace and I was grateful to be alive...I thanked him and the universe... and with a warm heart I drifted off to sleep.

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