Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back in the action.

Today I had to go to my nursing clinical... and it was in the Operating Room. I was glad for that because there is not much patient care and should make for an easy day. I still haven't been feeling 100% but I can't miss a clinical... Well.... it made for an incredible day!!!

I was in the OBGYN room. It was extreme lithotomy position to the max.... and lots of female under parts... couldn't see much of what was going on because there weren't any open surgeries....

The nurse was showing me what he does; which consists of grabbing supplies, counting things, charting...didn't look like the nursing career path for me... no action at all. I was starting to get bored.

So, the 4th year medical student anesthesiologist boy kept looking at me..and he was cute mind you...and he looked friendly enough so I went over and started asking questions about the volatile gases they give for general anesthesia...then the actual Anesthesiologist started chatting me up.

Turns out he was an ER doctor for 8 years, but decided to pursue this because he was starting to not like himself and becoming very cynical about life and people. (I completely empathize with that because I see it in myself and others in my current position in the ER). So we started talking trauma talk, and I think I got major respect because they both had my back the whole rest of the day.

The Anesthesiologist, Scott (first name basis and everything yo!), walked me step by step through every drug he pushes, vital signs, what he is looking for, intubating, let me look at the vocal chords, introduced me to other Anesthesiologists, told me about Nurse Anesthesia... he was incredibly generous with his knowledge and very gracious to me.

PS- I was rattling off all these drugs and terminology and he was super impressed. He announced to the surgeon and whole OR that I know more things than the medical students that rotate through and that I was a smart cookie (not in such terms but you get it)...
THAT felt good!

He has got a sweet gig I will tell you that, and all the Anesthesiologists I met seem very happy and content. Most importantly, they were nice to others and their patients.... which is huge to me. GREAT DAY!

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