Oatmeal, green tea, and Ella on vinyl were all the makings of a cozy Sunday morning.... I opened up my patio door to let in all the morning light and that fresh autumn air, when a little bumblebee decided to join me for breakfast...
At first he scared me because he rushed in, getting all up close and personal...A bumblebee has never decided to come in unannounced before. It's usually the occasional fly or moth....so when the bumble bee came in I was on guard and the adrenaline was flowing!
I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room to take cover.....looking for a weapon of sorts. The bumblebee didn't have any intentions of leaving soon, so I decided to chase him out. My eye lay upon a signed drumstick I had acquired at a Gym Class Heroes concert a few years back (before they started sucking)(that's what she said) I grabbed it thinking it should do the trick. It was long and also a hard (that's what she said)...
I reentered my kitchen armed and ready for a fight....I made my first attack swing to get the little bee's attention... well, that just royally ticked him off... this was turning into a major territorial battle... A joust ensued....I felt like I was in The Princess Bride. "Hello my name is Natasha Hilton. You entered my kitchen. Prepare to die." Bzzzz bzzzzzz bzzzz.
And for a moment, I stepped outside of myself to realize how ridiculous I looked... fighting off a little tiny bee with a drumstick...listening to old Jazz music...tea kettle whistling...just when the notion of ridiculousness struck me, I heard a "BAP!"..my drumstick met my bee like a bat meets a ball....and my little opponent was struck down to my linoleum floor.....
He was injured... oh the guilt...I never intended to harm any bees this morning.... or flies... or anyone or anything for that matter....I just wanted to chase him out the door...I didn't think I would actually be able to hit the thing...I was just flinging the drumstick wildly back and forth with terrible form and lack luster technique!
I gently picked him up with a paper towel and put him in my flower box on my patio...."sorry little fella," was all I could say..."Next time I will try to pummel something my own size with a drumstick."
Soundtrack to a blog post: