Friday, November 12, 2010

I hate dating.

I was sitting at Roasting Company this evening...evesdropping on unsuspecting fellow coffee lovers...doing everything possible not to actually study...

Then I realized the couple next to me were meeting for the first time...sounded like some sort of online the really super cheesy ones that I vow to never sign up for because it's the last ditch resort and ultimate declaration of desperation...yeah.

They were both fairly attractive for older folk...but the conversation dwindled into awkwardness and persuasive be honest, it was just awful to listen to and to think that someday that could be me...

I would still like to believe that love is meant to happen fortuitously, by pure chance encounter, stars aligning.... You just can't force these things... blows. period.

good on them for trying least they are just gets harder and harder to meet quality people... and you really have to put yourself out there.

But I hereby solemnly swear. I will never do an online setup. Ever.

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